Purdie's Large Gift Box

Purdie's Large Gift Box
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Our price: £40.00
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We have selected and combined products by range to offer a very special and luxurious gift for every occasion.


Hand & Body Lotion (250ml)

Body & Hand Wash (250ml)

Bath & Body Oil (120ml)

Soap Bar (100gm)

There are a number of scent combinations to try.

Bergamot Mint & Bitter Orange: The cool and refreshing properties of Bergamot Mint work in harmony with the stimulating power of Bitter Orange to provide a complete detoxifying and rejuvenating wash experience

Cedarwood & May Chang: The purifying and earthy scent of Cedarwood marries perfectly to the sweet and fruity notes of May Chang to offer a rewarding and regenerating experience for your skin. Note: After extensive blind market testing, this particular and unique blend of essential oils came top

Geranium & Lemon: The floral notes of Geranium mix flawlessly with the sharpness of Lemon to deliver a perfectly balanced and uplifting washing experience for your whole body.

Lavender & Neroli: The familiar and calming scent of Lavender is married to the fresh citrus tang of Neroli to offer a faultless, rebalancing and replenishing washing experience for your skin.

Lime & Patchouli: The sharp bitter scent of Lime balances superbly with the muskiness of Patchouli to offer your skin an energising and toning wash experience

Melissa & Tangerine: The clean lemon notes of Melissa combine seamlessly with the sweetness of Tangerine to provide a calming and warming washing experience for your skin.

Natural (no essential oils): This Soap comes with all the qualities present in the base ingredients minus essential oils. It can be used by and benefit those with extremely sensitive skin, those undergoing medical treatment that bars contact with essential oils or indeed those working in specific professions that may preclude contact with scented oils (ie the medical profession)

We also have the following fragrance combinations:

Angel Gorse

Lady of the Loch

Palma Violet

Rose, Geranium & Neroli

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